Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fresh Outta South Kack .. Country C

Country C, a name that was originated from him traveling all over the United States and people recognizing his strong country accent and his first name being Charles, therefore, you get Country C. Charles CCountry C was born in New York City and moved to Hemingway, SC when he was only an infant at the age of 6 months. Moving away from his biological family, Country C and his mother found Hemingway, SC to be the land of no opportunities.

Country C moved to Atlanta, GA in 2002 where the streets took over his life. 2005 Country C got into music heavy, putting out his first mixtape "I Am Carolina Vol.1" With Cameron being a strong influence on him, he put out 15 more mixtapes there after.

Being the King of his town, hints the title, "I Am Carolina", Country C's goal is to put his town on the map. To show his town that there are opportunies if you make them for yourself. Country C shows strong leadership and takes on the responsibility of the streets, which is a sacrafice he is willing to take for Hemingway, SC. Country C is striving for success, he wants to be the preacher for his town, someone everyone looks up to.

With Country C's biggist obstacle, getting radio play, he hits the streets with his music, handing out over 40,000 copies of his mixtapes over the years. He put's out a different Mixtapes every holiday, to be sure no one forgets the name Country C. With the help of producer Greg Charley and B. Lord, Country C is currently working on completing a full length album for distribution.

Keep Your eyes opened for Country C.....He Is Carolina

Friday, February 12, 2010